The benefits of large print in modern society

In an age dominated by digital screens, where eBooks and online articles are at our fingertips, the printed word remains powerful. But in addition to standard print books on our shelves, there is a format that, while not new, is gaining popularity for its inclusivity and numerous benefits: large print.

While many associate large print with accessibility for visually impaired readers, its advantages extend far beyond this group. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of large print today.

Accessibility for the seniors and the visually impaired

The most immediate and recognized benefit of large print books is the accessibility they provide to those with visual impairments. As the population ages, conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma become more prevalent. Large print editions offer a more comfortable reading experience, allowing these individuals to continue their literary journey without strain.

Boosted cognitive processing and comprehension

For emerging readers, the elderly, or individuals with certain cognitive conditions, processing information can be more manageable when presented in a larger, clearer format. The clarity and spacing of large print can enhance focus, minimize distractions, and improve comprehension. A reader can better absorb and retain the content, making the reading experience more fulfilling.

Mobile phone in woman's hand

Too much screen time can cause eye strain

Reduced eye strain and fatigue

In today's digital environment, many of us spend hours staring at screens. This prolonged exposure can lead to eye strain, characterized by symptoms like dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Reading standard print books after screen exposure can exacerbate this strain. Large print, with its clear typeface and well-spaced lines, offers a visual break, reducing eye fatigue and promoting longer, more enjoyable reading sessions.

Encouragement for reluctant readers

For children and adults who might be hesitant or reluctant to read, the dense text of standard print books can seem intimidating. Large print books, with their more open layout, appear less daunting. This format can serve as a bridge, encouraging reluctant readers to engage with the content and slowly build their reading confidence.

Support for learning and language difficulties

Individuals with dyslexia or other learning difficulties often find it challenging to track lines in standard print books. The white space and larger font size in large print editions can make it easier for these readers to follow along, preventing them from losing their place and aiding in better comprehension.

Versatility in reading environments

Have you ever tried to read a book in dim lighting, perhaps on an evening train commute or in a room with a soft-glow lamp? Large print is versatile and adaptable to various lighting conditions. The clear, bold text remains readable even in less-than-ideal lighting situations, making it a preferred choice for many.

Aiding temporary vision challenges

Not all vision challenges are permanent. Situations like post-surgery recovery, certain medications, or temporary health conditions can affect one's ability to read standard print. In these scenarios, large print books emerge as a suitable temporary alternative, ensuring that readers can continue their literary pursuits without hassle.

A boost to mental well-being

Reading has long been associated with mental relaxation and stress reduction. When the physical act of reading is made more comfortable through large print, individuals can immerse themselves more deeply in the content. This immersion can amplify the therapeutic benefits of reading, promoting better mental well-being.


The rise of large print in modern society reflects a broader move towards accessibility in publishing and product design in general. As publishers, readers, and advocates continue to recognize the manifold benefits of this format, large print is set to play an even more significant role going forward.


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