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Clarence Edgehill Clarence Edgehill

The benefits of large print in modern society

In an age dominated by digital screens, where eBooks and online articles are at our fingertips, the printed word remains powerful. But in addition to standard print books on our shelves, there is a format that, while not new, is gaining popularity for its inclusivity and numerous benefits: large print.

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Clarence Edgehill Clarence Edgehill

The value of large print word searches: more than just a game

For many, word searches might conjure memories of lazy Sunday afternoons or entertainment during a long flight. But these simple activities can have significant benefits. For seniors, people with low vision, and those with cognitive conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer's, puzzles can be more than a pastime – they can be a valuable therapeutic tool.

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Clarence Edgehill Clarence Edgehill

What is large print?

In today's diverse reading landscape, ensuring accessibility for all readers is paramount. This is particularly important for seniors and the visually impaired. One initiative to help ensure accessibility is the adoption of large print formats and materials. But what exactly is "large print"?

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